Terms & Conditions

Terms of Trade Agreement

The use of the Hydro Surf Safaris website is governed by the following policies. Placement of your order indicates you have read and accepted these terms and conditions

  1. These are the terms and conditions on which we offer you in access to our online booking services (the Services).
  2. These terms and conditions may be amended in whole or in part by Hydro Surf Safaris. Amendments will be effective immediately upon posting of the amended terms and conditions on this Website. You are responsible for ensuring you are familiar with the latest terms and conditions. Your continued use of the Website or the Services represents your agreement to be bound by the amended terms and conditions. These terms and conditions were last updated on 16 March 2020


  • Your use of the Hydro Surf Safari website
    1. You may only book on Hydro Surf Safaris if you can form a legally binding contract that is enforceable against you. You must be at least 18 years old.
    2. You agree to provide complete, accurate and current personal information when booking.
    3. Hydro Surf Safaris reserves the right at its discretion to decline to provide you with the Services at any time without entering further discussions with you. Any such termination shall not affect any right or remedy to which Hydro Surf Safaris may be entitled.
    4. Hydro Surf Safaris will send you emails relating to your transactions on the Website.
    5. When you make a booking and it is confirmed to you, you form a binding contract directly with Hydro Surf Safaris. You must only make a booking that you intend to use and pay for. You must not use the Website to make speculative, false or fraudulent bookings.



    Prices on this website are in New Zealand Dollars and include GST of 15%.


    Order Acceptance Policy

    Hydro Surf Safaris does not accept orders from customers who intend to resell the Surf Safari product offered by Hydro Surf Safaris.


    Booking Availability

    We have an integrated online booking + calendar system so all dates listed on our online store are at that time available. However, in the unlikely event that systems crash and the displayed availability in our calendar is not correct when you make your booking, we will immediately call you to advise and adjust dates  or to organise a refund.


    Booking changes

    Once your Safari has been booked it can't be altered or cancelled online, you must contact leroy@hydrosurf.co.nz to discuss the available options.


    Payment, Changes, Cancellations and Refunds

    Credit Card payments are through Shopify Payments, providing the highest level of security. Payment is processed in full upon booking. The guest will be charged 50% of the total price if they cancel after reservation and the total price of the reservation if they cancel in the 7 days before arrival. If the guest doesn’t show up they will be charged the total price of the reservation. Cancellations fees however may be waived at management discretion. To make a change to your booking please email leroy@hydrosurf.co.nz

    Privacy Policy

    1. We only ask for the information needed to process your booking efficiently.  This information is kept secure and will not be disclosed or shared with other parties under any circumstances.  If you select to be included on our email list you will receive the occasional email on the latest news and promotions from Hydro Surf Safaris but you can unsubscribe to this service at any time.

    You are welcome to ring to speak to our friendly staff at Hydro Surf  Safaris on phone +643 4773965 or email leroy@hydrosurf.co.nz to discuss any aspect of your booking.